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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

One More Day

One more day until the big 5-0. Wow, it's so close. And, although it's bugged me for the last year, today I'm not upset about it. I've come far in the last year, and I'm looking forward to the future with hope and excitement. Here is a little something I wrote a couple of weeks ago.

I face the world alone today
The future's so bright and blue
I have so much ahead of me
And my dreams all start anew.

I don't know what tomorrow brings
But I'll face with head held high
I can now look back upon the past
And smile and say goodbye

The future is a bright blank page
Waiting for me to start to write
And it seems to me it's been so long
Since my future seemed so bright.


Well, tomorrow is the big day! I will be half a century old tomorrow morning. Ok, I think I'll just stick with turning 50. The other sounds way too old. And since I'm starting a whole new life this week, I'm not feeling old. I'm feeling excited and looking forward to my life.

I have been taking a bunch of online computer classes. I wanted to design a web page about my family. However, due to free agency, my kids would prefer me not to put info about my grandkids on it. Ok, I respect that. So what do I post? One idea I was given was to put some of my poetry on here. I've never shared it much, but maybe it's time. So here is what I wrote last week when I was thinking about my life starting over.

I faced the world alone today.
The future's so bright and blue.
I have so much ahead of me.
And my dreams all start anew.

I don't know what tomorrow brings.
But I'll face with head held high.
I can now look back upon the past.
And smile and say goodbye.

The future is a bright blank page.
Waiting for me to start to write.
And it seems to me it's been so long.
Since my future seemed so bright.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Two more days

I only have two more days of being young. On Wednesday I turn 50 years old! Yep, the big


The funny part is it isn't as upsetting to me as it was a while back. I've got so much living to do and so many plans. I'm through living my life according to other people's expectations. For the first time I'm going to live my life the way I want it and doing what makes me happy. I do believe I've written this before (or maybe I only thought it--I am getting old, you know)but