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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I made it through the rain
I kept my world protected
I made it through the rain
I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain
and found my self respected
by the others who got rained on too
and made it through
I am ordered a link for my braclet that say I'm a survivor. When I told Rod about it, he responded that if anybody asked me what I"ve survived I'd have to pick which one I'd tell them. That is so true. I've survived a lot in my life. I'm sitting here at lunch listening to my MP3 player and this song came on. Wow, I've made it through the rain. I've made it through the rain, the wind, the snow, the sleep, the hail and almost anything else life has thrown at me.
But if I was writing the song I would have to change those words. Because as i listened I realized that after getting through the rain I've found something more important than the self respected of others who have survived. For the first time in a long time (perhaps my whole life) I have self-respect. I feel good about what I'm doing in my life and the choices I'm making. And what a difference that makes. Wow, what I could have done if I would have realized that years ago. How many books have been written on changing ourselves, changing the outside, changing our environment, changing our appearnce, changing our weight, changing our organizational skills. And this time I simply ignored all that and changed myself inside.

In April conference Pres. Hinckley quoted the poem entitled The Road Less Traveled. I'm going to find that and print it out. Because right now what is going through my head is the last line that says "and that has made all the difference." Suits how I feel about changing myself inside right now. I haven't always taken the right road. In fact, seldom have I done that. But the changes I've made inside, no matter how small, have made all the difference.