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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What next?

What's next in my life? What changes am I making? Right now I can't name specifics. I just know I'm tired of not getting what I want and more, not even trying for what I want. I also know I'm not gonna rush into these changes. I'm going to take time and make a plan. I do know that I'm not going to let anybody hold me back, no matter who they are. It's time I lived the life I know I can, the life I deserve to have. If anybody holds me back or gets in my way or doesn't believe in me, I won't kick them out; but I may choose to spend less time with them. I need the love, the support and the help of people who care about me.
For the first time in years, I like myself. I've made some good changes in the past couple of years. And I'm going to keep working on those. I know that going back to work has been good for me. I've got to work on money especially my spending of money which I do so well, and my saving of money which I don't do. I do want to get my own place, but I'm not in a big hurry. If I can stay here and get some bills paid and try to get a running car, that will work. And I know that I want to enroll in some internet classes. I want to continue to learn, so I can feel more confident and be able to get a better job. I don't know how long I'm going to be in Evanston, maybe the rest of my life. That isn't in my hands, it's in the Lord's hands. My job there is to stay in tune and listen. If I do that, I'll know where I go next.
The biggest change, and the one I'm going to work on even harder are the spiritual changes I've made. I've realized I can't let a day go by without scriptures and prayer. I hate going to church alone, but I'm getting better at that. It's time to accept that I might easily be going alone the rest of my life, and that's ok too.
One thing I've always wanted to do is travel even if it's just visiting my kids and grandkids. My mini-goal is to be able to attend the baptism of all my grandkids. So that involves a trip to Alabama next January. And all the other goals are going to help that happen.
But the biggest changes of all are happening inside me. I can only do so much about the outside influences. I want to end with a quote that showed up in my inbox this morning. Seems to sum up the changes I'm going to be making.

"Between whatever happens to me and my response to it is a space.

In that space is my freedom and power to choose my response.

And in my response lay my growth and happiness."

- Stephen Covey

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