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Friday, March 31, 2006

Tomorrow is Friday. at least my Friday. It's the last day of six I've worked this week. I probably should wait until tomorrow to say it's been a good week. But it really has been. I'm getting faster and better at this all the time. Of course, there have been some weird moments, some hard moments and some interesting people I've met on the phone. It seems as if at least one call a day is a long, hard one. And I'd still rather do anything than troubleshoot a problem. I am getting better at helping the customer, but there are always those problems that I just can't figure out. And we are still having the issue of getting help. Phil from Orem was here yesterday and had a meeting with Kailan and Crystal. I assume that means Crystal is going to be the mentor. I've found out that I'm not the only one that is having the problem with her. I'm sure eventually we'll butt heads, but since she works the 2-10 shift, I don't have more than a couple hours to deal with her. Now as long as they don't put her on total day shift, I'll be fine.

I do get along with everybody that I work with. Of course, there are some I enjoy more than others. Maybe I should mention a few of them. First there is Natalie, a sweet 20 year old blonde who I wanted to match up with my nephew James. Just my luck, he just started seeing someone in Orem. Then there is Jessie, the cute little eighteen year old rodeo rider. The word perky was coined for this kid. The guy across the aisle that works on McAfee has been hitting on her, so we have our own little soap opera going on here. David is the 22 year old returned missionary. Bill is the man my age or older who is actually one of the best according to the charts they post daily. I really think this man has worked CSR call center before. He's kind of quiet, but his cubicle is right beside mine, so we're been talking more this week. Part of that is because several of them come to me if they have questions and I'm off the phone.

Ok, stay tuned for chapter two of the people I work with tomorrow. I've had supper, yummy lasagna, and I think I'm gonna get off this computer and do nothing for a while. My phone calls to Rod have been almost non-existent this week, partially because I'm asleep before ten and partially because after being on the computer and the phone all day, I just don't wanna do it when I'm heading to bed. But I assume this relationship will survive that and daily emails will keep us together. So good-night for now.

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