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Monday, July 30, 2007

What I have!

Ok, I'd like to suggest that before you read this you read What I Deserve on Rod's blog. Quite a few of his posts make me think. But then I close the page, turn off the computer and don't get my thoughts written down. Well, this one gave me plenty to think about. So I'm going to steal a quote from his blog: "That’s why I don’t spend much time feeling shortchanged by life. I have more than my fair share. So do you." I had an experience years ago that made me realize my fair share and how blessed I am. Now do I tell the story and give the background or vice versa?

In 2001 I became a widow for the second time. I had previously lost the father of my children in 1992. When I finally got up the nerve to fall in love and remarry, we had five beautiful years together. About six weeks after the second husband died, I was working in a 7-11 in Vernal. An old family friend came in. Now I have to admit I liked working this job. I love working with customers, and I've always had an interest in acting. I found that I could go to work and pretend my life was fine, that my world was not falling apart. Most of my customers had no clue that my world had been turned upside down. But then there was this one particular day......

This woman walked up to me and said 'Oh, Susan, I'm so sorry about Jim. You've had such a horrible life.' She might as well slapped me across the face I was so shocked. And I don't have a poker face, so I'm sure my mouth fell open. I don't even remember what I said to her. But when she left I started doing some thinking. Because at that point and since I have never thought I had a bad, horrible life. I've had some bad moments. I'm not sure anything compares to burying a spouse, the man of your dreams that you planned on growing old with. And to do it twice defies explanation. Only someone who has walked in my shoes truly understands.

But I remember thinking I have been blessed with five beautiful children. They are all doing reasonably well at this point. They are happy and healthy. I am lucky enough to still have both my parents and be able to see them every day. And the joy of my life had to be my six grandchildren that I had at the time. They are all healthy and normal and beautiful.

Today I am living in Wyoming. I am happier than I have been in five years or perhaps longer than that. I am living with my youngest daughter. We get along pretty well most of the time, and she allows me to be free to do what I want. Eventually I'm going to get my own place, but I'm content to wait for the time to be right. I still have those five wonderful children. Their lives have had ups and downs, but they are strong, tough people. I am proud of them. And today I have thirteen grandchildren. I have a job that makes me excited to get up for each morning. I have a good family, good friends and a good life! I have more than my fair share indeed.

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