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Saturday, August 04, 2007

How Far I've Come

I had an incident happen in work this week that ended with me walking out of work early in tears. That part of it I'm gonna chalk up to menopause. Which, in itself, is a whole nother blog. I'm a lot moodier and teary-eyed lately. And it seems sometimes there is no logic to what sets me off. But this one took me totally by surprise.

I don't want to make this a long, boring blog. But I think I'm the only one who reads it, so I guess that's ok. Background is that I work for an oilfield supply company. We buy anything an oil rig wants and our seven drivers deliver it. So on Tuesday part of my job was to find two upright water coolers that do both hot and cold. And then I had a specific brand of printer to get. It took several phones calls, but I located both of them in Rock Springs. S, our shop hand, was coming home from Rifle, Colorado. Tthe best solution was to have him stop in Rock Springs and get them. He had been told he would need to go to Walmart. So when he called I told him Walmart was out and he needed to stop at Home Depot. Poor S had been on the road since 6 am, and this was now about 4 pm. He was quite irritated, and told me he could call me back when he could pull over and write. He said he had no clue where Home Depot was located. J, another driver, said S did know, but he would give him directions when he called back.

By the time S called back he'd worked up a pretty good temper. Now let me say that S is very soft spoken and quite most of the time. In fact, S barely talks. I was trying to explain that he needed to write down the Home Depot charge account number. When I gave it to him, I realized the first part had four numbers, not the five I had given him. So I corrected that. Then I told him he also needed to go to Staples and get a printer which was close to Home Depot. And that J would give him the directions. Well, by this time S was even more upset, and he just went off on me. He started cussing about how *^&%ing stupid this was and how he's been on the road since 6 am and now he was expected to stop at two stores. I just lost it. I told him that if he had a problem with it, he could talk to K and put him on hold. I told K to talk to him.

Then the tears started. When I get mad I cry. I hate doing that, but been doing it my whole life and probably not gonna change now. Plus S has always been a real sweety to me and we've gotten along real well. So to have him yell at me like that was a slap in the face. I turned off my computer, grabbed my purse and walked into K's office. I told her that I refused to be talked to that way and was going home. As I walked to the front office R and J were there. R said something about it, and I said I'm going home. I knew R saw the tears which was even more embarassing for me.

This is getting pretty long, so I think there is going to have to be a part 2. Stay tuned.

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