Interesting name for a post, isn't it? And I promise if you read to the end, you will understand what it has to do with my birthday that is coming up in three days.
I have a son who could never remember my birthday. Every year about Sept 5th, Ruth would call and ask me if my birthday is Sept 6th or the 9th. Every year I would explain to her that my birthday is the 6th and Joans, Nick's high school friend, was the 9th. I would tell her to explain to Nick that if he can remember his is on the 16th, then he should be able to remember mind on the 6th. And the next year I would get another phone call. It was quite hilarious. Last year after their accident was the first year I didn't get that phone call. But I still thought about it.
Last week I wrote Mary that I was going to Vernal for my birthday on Saturday. Somehow I made it sound like my birthday was last Saturday. So when she wrote me happy birthday, I told her the story of Nick and Ruth. It actually makes me laugh. So this morning I was sitting in Lala's driveway checking my email when Monique walked out the door. She was walking to jazz choir practice. I told her to get in and I'd give her a ride. As she got in the car she said 'Grandma, is your birthday the 6th or the 9th.' Oh, I laughed so hard, and then told her the story of Nick and Ruth and that very same question. She thought it was funny and then said to me 'Oh, it would be easier to remember if it was the 9th cuz that's the day our milk expires.'
Out of the mouths of babes! She had been looking in the fridge at the date on the milk when she remembered my birthday coming up and asked her mom what day it was. There actually was some logic in her thinking. Wouldn't life be interesting if we call came with expiration dates stamped on us somewhere so we would know just how much time we have left?
I think this is so funny. Kids have the greatest way of looking at things.
What a cute story. My nephew Carlos has the same birthday as you so it makes it easier for me to remember.
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