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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

# 18 Jayden Nicholas Weaver

Introducing my eighteenth grandchild. Yes, I said 18. Jayden Nicholas Weaver was determined to be born early. Amy has been on bed rest for the past two weeks and on medication to stop her labor. The doctor told her if she could go until Monday he wouldn't stop the baby. He would be born four weeks early. So Monday came and no baby. Yesterday Amy got up very ambitious, so I started thinking maybe we were having a baby. They went to the hospital just before midnight. By 6:30 this morning she was dilated to an eight, and Spencer called to ask me to bring the camera. In their rush, they had left it home. So I got up and showered and was heading out of the driveway at 7:30 when Spencer called to see if I'd gotten the pic. I said 'oh, what?" And he said "of your new grandson." Then he said "we had an emergency c-section and I have to go." I drove as fast as I dared to the hospital not knowing what to expect when I got there.

What happened was as her water broke, the cord came out first. Everybody was frantically trying to keep Jayden's head from pressing on the cord as they rushed her to the C-section room. Luckily it was set up as they had one scheduled for just minutes away. The doctor was in the hospital for that and had come down to check on Amy. But I don't think luck had anything to do with it. I think Jayden's Uncle Nick was watching out for him.

Amy's epidural hadn't numbed her enough, so they had to knock her out, rush to the surgery room with both doctor and nurse on the bed with Amy. But everyone did their job. And at 7:07 am he was born. He is 7 lb 1 oz. 20 inc long and perfectly healthy. He even screamed for a while until they gave him a bottle. He loved it and seems to have a healthy appetite. His Grandpa Bryant took some pictures of him wit his eyes wide open, and I will post them as soon as I get a copy. Anyway, here hs is:


Heather said...

Welcome to the family Jayden! What a cute little guy and good sized for being 4 weeks early. Now I will have to figure out my kids numbers. I know Landon is 17 though. =)

malia said...

WOW! I am so glad that they are both all right. And I can't believe that you have 18!!!!! Crazy!